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Application modernization is more than adding a GUI. These projects must include the modernization of the database too. Part of the database modernization is the use of SQL Views. Views allow for data from different sources, selected, reformatted, gathered and presented in a simple/easy to use form. Even if you are not changing the front-end of the application nor the database the use of Views will boost your productivity working with your existing application. Views should also be used to simplify the data you get from Db2 for i. Coming to an understanding of Views can be a real “light bulb” moment that changes the way you work.
1. Creating Views over existing Db2 for i Views and Table functions
2. Moving from normalized to de-normalized data
3. Joining files/tables together in View
4. Performing calculations within View
5. Views to gather data from multiple LPAR
6. Views to create a formatted file/table from a spool file

Simon Hutchinson
Simon’s experience with IBM midrange started in the United Kingdom, in a pre-AS/400 world. Since immigrating to the USA he has worked mostly in the western half of the country, and is currently IT manager responsible for the Power servers and IBM i for a large bank in Central Texas.
Simon has been writing his acclaimed IBM i blog, RPGPGM.COM, for almost ten years sharing his knowledge, experience, and giving many detailed examples of the latest RPG, SQL, and CL. He was recognized by IBM as an IBM Champion for Power (2021,2022), and as an IBM i Community Advocate.
Since its founding, in 2020, Simon has been the president of the Central Texas IBM i User Group, CTXiUG.