Sources of Operational and Security Information
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The IBM i OS provides valuable data about operations and security—but exactly what data and where can you find it? This session will cover QSYSMSG, QSYSOPR, MSGQ, journals, and compare the QHST log to the QAUDJRN.

Amy Williams
Amy Williams is a Senior Security Services Consultant who joined HelpSystems in 2015. She holds CISSP, CISA, and PCI-P certifications. Amy has worked on the IBM i platform since 1994 and her experience includes application testing, system installation, system administration, and architecture. She has worked in the warehousing distribution, travel, and gaming industries.
Amyhasperformedsuccessfulroleswapsandcompletedasuccessfulobjectlevelremediationof5 disparate applications on the same IBM i LPAR. She has been responsible for consolidating over 60 LPARs to less than 30 while keeping the business moving forward. She has implemented exit point security when working towards a PCI ROCfiling.
Since joining HelpSystems, Amy has worked with clients on system migrations and ensuring their application architecture was maintained. She has remediated all of the special authorities from users accommodating specific operational and security needs. Amy has implemented Authority Broker for a multi-system implementation, and has completed three specific remediations to remove *ALLOBJ authority.
Amy served in the Air National Guard for 10 years in the communications flight (IT).

Tom Huntington
Executive Vice President of Technical Solutions at HelpSystem
Tom Huntington is Executive Vice President of Technical Solutions at HelpSystems, and has been with the company for nearly 30 years. He works with business alliances, acquisitions and large customer relationships and ensures that the HelpSystems software works with other major software and hardware vendors worldwide.
Tom often speaks on enterprise scheduling, security, automation topics, IBM i technology, and the HelpSystems products, and hosts technical presentations on a variety of automation topics. He is the author of the HelpSystems IBM i Marketplace Survey and has written articles on automated operations, security, cloud computing, and business intelligence for leading trade journals and newsletters. He was named an IBM Champion in 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 for over three decades of advocation and thought leadership on the IBM i platform.

Sandi Moore
Security Consultant, Fortra
Sandi has been working with Fortra customers for over 15 years supporting systems monitoring and security software. With experience on IBM i, AIX, and Linux, she has been involved in product demonstrations, implementation, support, training, research, and product testing.
In her time at Fortra, Sandi has helped customers understand how to effectively address the threats they face. Her goal is to help people achieve the best solution to their IT problems, no matter how many servers are in their environment or where in the world they’re located.
Organizations throughout the public and private sectors have relied on Sandi’s expertise, whether they’re seeking to proactively protect their systems or improve security controls after a malware attack. Sandi has shared her knowledge at multiple user group conferences, including COMMON.