Tricks with Spool Files Using SQL — Simon Hutchinson

In the past few releases and TRs IBM has introduced a number of SQL views and table functions that allow anyone to do things to spool files that they would have had to use APIs or complex programming. Become the superstar at your company with the knowledge on how to do all of this with just a few SQL statements. Simon is a subject matter expert for COMMON North America and is the principal of RPGPGM.COMthe most popular blog about modern IBM i programming on the web. 

Learning Objectives:
1. How to find the biggest/oldest spool files on your systems.
2. How to delete old spool files.
3. How to extract data from a spool file into spreadsheet format
4. How to build views over spool files, even when they are not there
5. How to copy one spool file to PDF
6. How to copy many spool files to PDF

Simon Hutchinson


Simon’s experience with IBM midrange started in the United Kingdom, in a pre-AS/400 world. Since immigrating to the USA he has worked mostly in the western half of the country, and is currently IT manager responsible for the Power servers and IBM i for a large bank in Central Texas. 
Simon has been writing his acclaimed IBM i blog, RPGPGM.COM, for almost ten years sharing his knowledge, experience, and giving many detailed examples of the latest RPG, SQL, and CL. He was recognized by IBM as an IBM Champion for Power (2021,2022), and as an IBM i Community Advocate. 
Since its founding, in 2020, Simon has been the president of the Central Texas IBM i User Group, CTXiUG.


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