RPG Bootcamp Session 1: Introduction to Programming and RPG - Hello World Program-Driven - Scott Klement


  • Discuss Series – how exercises work, database file, source code, map the way through
  • Editing Source – with highest level explanation of RDi
  • Identify and Define Program Variables
  • Define Printer File
  • Variable Assignment for “Hello World”
  • Exercise: Print “Hello World” (DSPLY Command – results called from 5250 interface)
  • Compile and Bind Programs
  • Run and Test Programs – show in green screen, WRKOBJ, WRKSPLF, Call
  • Explain Libraries, Explain Objects, Explain Spooled Files – show in green screen
  • Variable Assignment for Add Two Integers
  • Exercise: Add Two Integers (DSPLY Command)

Scott Klement

Director, Product Development and Support

Scott volunteers as a member of COMMON's Board of Directors, Strategic Education Team, Certification Committee and Innovation Awards. He is the author of around 1000 articles and a dozen open source projects. Scott's efforts to help out the IBM i Community have resulted in dozens of awards and accolades, including an IBM Innovation Award, Gary Guthrie Award, Al Barsa Scholarship, John T Earl Scholarship, medals from the American Society of Business Publication Editors, and the COMMON Speaker Excellence Hall of Fame. IBM has named Scott an IBM Champion for Power Systems.


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