RPG Bootcamp
- Member - Free!
The ILE RPG Boot Camp provides a convenient way to train new talent in your organization in this programming language. This series consists of 10 video lessons, a workbook, and a save file for the exercises.
In addition to watching the videos, make sure to grab the workbook and save file on page two under content.
Contains 1 Component(s)
RPG Bootcamp Session 1
- Discuss Series – how exercises work, database file, source code, map the way through
- Editing Source – with highest level explanation of RDi
- Identify and Define Program Variables
- Define Printer File
- Variable Assignment for “Hello World”
- Exercise: Print “Hello World” (DSPLY Command – results called from 5250 interface)
- Compile and Bind Programs
- Run and Test Programs – show in green screen, WRKOBJ, WRKSPLF, Call
- Explain Libraries, Explain Objects, Explain Spooled Files – show in green screen
- Variable Assignment for Add Two Integers
- Exercise: Add Two Integers (DSPLY Command)
Scott Klement
Director, Product Development and Support
Scott volunteers as a member of COMMON's Board of Directors, Strategic Education Team, Certification Committee and Innovation Awards. He is the author of around 1000 articles and a dozen open source projects. Scott's efforts to help out the IBM i Community have resulted in dozens of awards and accolades, including an IBM Innovation Award, Gary Guthrie Award, Al Barsa Scholarship, John T Earl Scholarship, medals from the American Society of Business Publication Editors, and the COMMON Speaker Excellence Hall of Fame. IBM has named Scott an IBM Champion for Power Systems.
Contains 1 Component(s)
RPG bootcamp session 2
- Define Files, Members, Records, Fields
- Cross-reference with SQL Terminology – schemas, tables, rows, and columns
- Define and Use Dcl-f (Declare File)
- Identify Sections of an RPG IV Program
- Programming Specifications
- CTL-OPT Keyword
- Explain Program Development Cycle (short section)
- Define and Use Dcl-s (Declare Standalone Variable)
- Define Free Format Specifications
- Syntax of Writing Comments in RPG (brief)
- Monitoring for Errors – MONITOR, ON-ERROR
- How to Find Reference Manuals
- Externally Described Files
- Describe and Use EDTWRD and EDTCDE Edit Codes
- Define and Use Overflow, SPACEA, SPACEB, SKIPA, SKIPB
- Use Field Reference File
- Use WRITE Operation
- SETLL Operation
- READ Operation
- %EOF Function
- Exercise: Prog1_Documentation (maybe prog3, refer to section above for prog1 & prog2)
Kody Robinson
Business and Financial Systems Developer, AECC
Kody Robinson is a Business and Financial Systems Developer for AECC, headquartered in Little Rock, AR. He started his IBM i journey right out of undergrad at the age of 21. Kody develops and modernizes old and new applications for internal clients using languages ranging from RPG free-format to PHP. Along with his day job, Kody also travels and advocates for IBM and COMMON in regards to companies modernizing and hiring young developers in the work force. IBM has also named him an IBM Champion for Power. In between that, helping with nonprofits and finishing up his masters in Information Science, he also does Economic Development for Central Arkan
Contains 1 Component(s)
RPG Bootcamp Session 3
- Screens Are a Different DDS
- Show Keywords
- Screen Designer in RDi – literals, function keys, input, output, formats
- Address That Screen from RPG Program – declare and execute formats
- Outputting onto Screen
- Exercise: Type YourName, Program Outputs “Hello NAME” Using DSPF
- CUA (breezy, indicating short overview section)
- Accessing Individual Records from a File (chain write update)
- Create a CRUD Program
- Using File and Record Locking
- Exercise: Screen That Asks for Cust Number, Retrieve, Update or Write Back to File – customer maintenance program (CSCTP)
- Do the exercise in the main program
Jim Buck
imPower Technologies
Jim Buck’s career in IT has spanned more than 35 years, primarily in college education, manufacturing, and healthcare industries. Past president (13 years) of the Wisconsin Midrange Computer Professional Association (www.wmcpa.org) and has served on several teams developing IBM and COMMON certification tests. Jim has co-authored several IBM i books with Bryan Meyers that are used by many companies and in colleges worldwide, "Programming in ILE RPG" 5th Edition being the latest in 2015.Other accomplishments include; recipient of the 2007 IBM System i Innovation – Education Excellence Award, 2014 COMMON Presidents Award and named 2013/2016/2017 IBM Champion - Power Systems.Jim is the president and founder of imPower Technologies where he provides professional IBM I training and consulting services (www.imPowerTechnologies.com) . He is active in the IBM i community working to help companies train their employees in the latest IBM technologies and helps companies develop the next generation of IBM i professionals.
Contains 1 Component(s)
RPG bootcamp session 4
- Declare and Use Constants
- Declare and Use Literals (brief)
- Declare and Use Standalone Variables
- Declare and Use the LIKE Keyword
- Declare and Use Data Structures
- Declaring the Data Structure Header
- Declare and Use Data Structure Subfields
- Declare and Use Overlapping Subfields
- Declare and Use Externally Described Data Structures
- Declare and Use Qualified Data Structures
- Declare and Use LIKE and LIKEDS
- Declare and Use Arrays
- SortA
- Mention Other Types (Compile Time and Prerun Time) of Arrays and Tables to be Found in the Documentation
- Data Structure Arrays
- Assign Initial Values to Variables
- Initialize Data Structures and fields
- Exercise: Split Phone Number Area Code from Exchange, Look Up the Full State Name from the Two Character Code Using an Array (CSCSTP)
- Introduction to Data Structures as a Mechanism for Passing Info to and from File
- LIKEREC Keyword, *input, *output
- Using Data Structures with Database
- Using Data Structures with Display Files
- INDDS Keyword
- Exercise: Redo CRUD Application with Data Structures for File I/O (CSCSTP)
Kody Robinson
Business and Financial Systems Developer, AECC
Kody Robinson is a Business and Financial Systems Developer for AECC, headquartered in Little Rock, AR. He started his IBM i journey right out of undergrad at the age of 21. Kody develops and modernizes old and new applications for internal clients using languages ranging from RPG free-format to PHP. Along with his day job, Kody also travels and advocates for IBM and COMMON in regards to companies modernizing and hiring young developers in the work force. IBM has also named him an IBM Champion for Power. In between that, helping with nonprofits and finishing up his masters in Information Science, he also does Economic Development for Central Arkan
Contains 1 Component(s)
RPG bootcamp session 5
- Using Relational Comparisons – >, =>, =, <=, <, <>
- Define and Use Sequence
- Define and Use Selection
- Declare and Use IF, ELSE, ELSEIF
- Declare and Use SELECT, WHEN, OTHER
- Define and Use Control Break Logic (not using the cycle)
- Declare and Use Iteration
- Declare and Use DOW Operation
- Declare and Use DOU Operation
- Declare and Use FOR Operation
- Loops and Early Exits
- Declare and Use ITER Operation
- Use the LEAVE Operation
- Declare and Use Subroutines
- Use the BEGSR, ENDSR Operation
- Use the EXSR Operation
- Use the LEAVESR Operation
- Declare and Use Subprocedures
- Declaring local variables
- Parameters
- Return Values
- Passing Parameters by Value
- Calling Programs
- Parameters
- Prototypes
- Calling the Prototype
- Exercise: CRUD Application in Different Routines, Pass the Data Structures as Paramaters (CSCSTP)
- Exercise: Report That Does Control Breaks (CSCTP) Total Balance Due by State
Jim Buck
imPower Technologies
Jim Buck’s career in IT has spanned more than 35 years, primarily in college education, manufacturing, and healthcare industries. Past president (13 years) of the Wisconsin Midrange Computer Professional Association (www.wmcpa.org) and has served on several teams developing IBM and COMMON certification tests. Jim has co-authored several IBM i books with Bryan Meyers that are used by many companies and in colleges worldwide, "Programming in ILE RPG" 5th Edition being the latest in 2015.Other accomplishments include; recipient of the 2007 IBM System i Innovation – Education Excellence Award, 2014 COMMON Presidents Award and named 2013/2016/2017 IBM Champion - Power Systems.Jim is the president and founder of imPower Technologies where he provides professional IBM I training and consulting services (www.imPowerTechnologies.com) . He is active in the IBM i community working to help companies train their employees in the latest IBM technologies and helps companies develop the next generation of IBM i professionals.
Contains 1 Component(s)
RPG Bootcamp Session 6
- Exporting Subprocedures
- Define Binding
- Cycle Main vs No Main vs Linear Main Procedures (breezy)
- Modules
- Use the /COPY, /INCLUDE Statements
- Compile and Bind Modular Programs
- Exercise: Redo CRUD Program Using Modules, Read, Write/Update, and State Lookup into Separate Modules (CSCSTP)
- Describe Single Entry Point Programs
- Describe Multiple Entry Point Service Programs
- Use Binding Directories
- Compile and Bind Service Programs
- Describe and Use Binder Language
- Describe and Use Service Program Signatures
- Use the CRTSRVPGM command
- Deploy Service Programs in an Application
- File I/O and Subprocedures
- Use the DSPPGM and DSPSRVPGM Commands (breezy)
- Activation Groups
- Describe and Use the Default Activation Group
- Describe and Use a Named ILE Activation Group
- Describe and the Caller’s Activation Group
- Describe and Use Activation Groups and File Overrides
- Describe and Use Activation Groups and File Opens
- Exercise: Redo CRUD Program Using Service Programs (CSCSTP)
Scott Klement
Director, Product Development and Support
Scott volunteers as a member of COMMON's Board of Directors, Strategic Education Team, Certification Committee and Innovation Awards. He is the author of around 1000 articles and a dozen open source projects. Scott's efforts to help out the IBM i Community have resulted in dozens of awards and accolades, including an IBM Innovation Award, Gary Guthrie Award, Al Barsa Scholarship, John T Earl Scholarship, medals from the American Society of Business Publication Editors, and the COMMON Speaker Excellence Hall of Fame. IBM has named Scott an IBM Champion for Power Systems.
Contains 1 Component(s)
RPG Bootcamp Session 7
- Define SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML)
- Define and Use DML Statements Select, Inset, Update and Delete
- Define and Use EXEC-SQL
- Using Host Variables in SQL statements
- Define and Use Host Structures
- Handle Null Values in Tables Use the SQL
- Handle SQL Return Codes (SQLCODE and SQLSTATE)
- Define and Use SQL Cursors
- Use the SQL OPEN Statement
- Use the SQL FETCH Statement
- Use the SQL CLOSE Statement
- Use the SQL UPDATE Statement
- Use the SQL DELETE Statement
- Create a SQLRPGLE Program
- Exercise: Redo CRUD Application Using SQL (CSCSTP), Take Service Program and Redo with SQL-based Service Program
Patrick Behr
Patrick Behr has been working on IBM i and its predecessors for 20 years, with a focus on RPG and DB2. Patrick has worked for large retail companies like Costco and Starbucks, manufacturing companies, small businesses and the government.
Patrick lives with his wife in Southern California and enjoys the many outdoor activities that the area affords, including kayaking, rock climbing and surfing. He and his wife also volunteer for local animal rescues and have fostered more than 700 dogs so far.
Contains 1 Component(s)
RPG Bootcamp Session 8
- How to Look Up Functions in the Manual (knowledge center)
- Demonstrate Going Down List and Picking a Function
- Explain the Documentation for One of the Functions (fixed, free, factor 1, 2, and result)
- How to Look Up Op Codes in the Manual
- Demonstrate Going Down List and Picking an Op Code
- Explain the Documentation for One of the Op Codes (fixed, free, factor 1, 2, and result)
- Using Op Codes and Functions in Calculations
- Numeric Examples
- %DEC, %DECH (plus discussion of half adjust)
- %REM
- String Examples
- Date Examples
- %DATE, %YEAR, %HOUR (different date and time formats discussed)
- Exercise: CSCSTP Table – Write Procedure to Convert to Proper Case (%SUBST and %XLATE) and Flag if Last Order Date within X Days (%DATE and %DIFF)
John Fellner
Independent Software Consultant
John Fellner is an independent software development consultant for the IBM i and Windows platforms. For many years he did software development and support at the IBM Toronto Lab in the AS/400 / iSeries / IBM i RPG Compilers and Developer Tools area.
Contains 1 Component(s)
RPG Bootcamp Session 9
- Subfile Record Format
- Define and Use the SFL Keyword
- Subfile Control Record Format
- Define and Use the SFLCTL Keyword
- Define and Use the SFLDSP, SFLDSPCTL Keywords
- Define and Use the SFLPAG, SFLSIZ Keywords
- Define Footer Record Format
- Define and Use the OVERLAY Keyword
- Load a Subfile
- Load an Entire Subfile
- Load a Subfile a Page at a Time
- Expanding Subfile
- Reloading a Subfile after Delete or Sort
- Getting Input from Subfiles
- Define and Use the READC Statement
- Define and Use the Chain Op Code
- Exercise: Create Order Entry Application (CSCSTP, CSINVP, CSORDP, CSORDPRP)
Max Valdman
IT Manager, The Hammock Source
Max Valdman is an IT professional with an MBA and BS in Mechanical Engineering and over 20 years of IT experience, primarily in the Consumer Goods industry. He is currently an IT Manager for the world’s largest hammock manufacturer, The Hammock Source. Max is an active member of the Mid-Atlantic Group of IBM i Collaborators – MAGiC and serves on the Advisory Committee of HarrisData, an enterprise software application company. Max and his family are enjoying the climates of Eastern North Carolina and Greenville, home of the ECU pirates.
Contains 1 Component(s)
RPG Bootcamp Session 10
- Dynamic SQL vs Static SQL Use Sases
- Use the SQL PREPARE Statement
- Use the SQL EXECUTE Statement
- Using Prepare with Cursors
- Reserved Variable Names
- Exercise: Convert Report Application to a Subfile SQL – Dynamically Control How Sorted Based on Parameter (CSCSTP)
- Commitment Control – Why It Is Important
- Commitment Scope
- Rollback and Commit Statements
- Set options statement for defining commit options
- Exercise: Order Entry Application with Commitment Control (CSCSTP, CSINVP, CSORDP, CSORDPRP)
Ray Everhart
Product Manager, X-Analysis, Fresche Solutions
Product Manager, X-Analysis, Fresche Solutions