RPG Bootcamp Session 6: ILE Concepts - Scott Klement


  • Exporting Subprocedures
  • Define Binding
  • Cycle Main vs No Main vs Linear Main Procedures (breezy)
  • Modules
  • Use the /COPY, /INCLUDE Statements
  • Compile and Bind Modular Programs
  • Exercise: Redo CRUD Program Using Modules, Read, Write/Update, and State Lookup into Separate Modules (CSCSTP)
  • Describe Single Entry Point Programs
  • Describe Multiple Entry Point Service Programs
  • Use Binding Directories
  • Compile and Bind Service Programs
  • Describe and Use Binder Language
  • Describe and Use Service Program Signatures
  • Use the CRTSRVPGM command
  • Deploy Service Programs in an Application
  • File I/O and Subprocedures
  • Use the DSPPGM and DSPSRVPGM Commands (breezy)
  • Activation Groups
    • Describe and Use the Default Activation Group
    • Describe and Use a Named ILE Activation Group
    • Describe and the Caller’s Activation Group
    • Describe and Use Activation Groups and File Overrides
    • Describe and Use Activation Groups and File Opens
  • Exercise: Redo CRUD Program Using Service Programs (CSCSTP)

Scott Klement

Director, Product Development and Support

Scott volunteers as a member of COMMON's Board of Directors, Strategic Education Team, Certification Committee and Innovation Awards. He is the author of around 1000 articles and a dozen open source projects. Scott's efforts to help out the IBM i Community have resulted in dozens of awards and accolades, including an IBM Innovation Award, Gary Guthrie Award, Al Barsa Scholarship, John T Earl Scholarship, medals from the American Society of Business Publication Editors, and the COMMON Speaker Excellence Hall of Fame. IBM has named Scott an IBM Champion for Power Systems.


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